Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well Deserved Win

Going back to the topic of last night's blog relating to the tragic loss of Nan Dicks, my grandmother in Newfoundland who lost her battle not to cancer which she has been battling for 43 years, but to a car accident. Reports are there were no skid marks on the road indicating she never even attempted to stop. Possibly indicating she may have had a heart attack or stroke while driving. There are many twists in this story behind the scenes that involve coincidences. To start, how is it that while being trained last night at work as I was asked to answer the next phone call that trickled into the hotel was the very phone call that brought the tragic news of my grandmothers death?

Another is even bigger. There has been a riff in the family. Between my step mother and I. This is where my blog gets so personal, it will most likely be the most private thing I may ever discuss on here. And I do so to bring you a little closer to my life, and into my world. As my wedding date speeds fast towards July 9th 2010 my step mother and I hit a speed bump in the road while on that journey. As I was anticipating her, her boyfriend and Nan to arrive this summer at the wedding, she wanted me to invite her sister, and brothers. I really don't know her sister and brothers very well. I had declined her suggestion of inviting them and just wanted to go form there. She had brought to my attention she would not be attending then. I had helped her with that decision by telling her she will not be invited then. Two mature adults acting like children.

Uggh. Ok, so this has come to a stand still and got so bad, we ended up not seeing eye to eye on the matter and ultimately stopped talking to one another. Enter the loss of my grandmother, her mother. I needed to be there for my step mother and made the call to her as soon as I got home last night after receiving the news of the accident. The call was hard for her, in more ways than one, but it was a loving and endearing phone call that was supportive of course as I am the eldest out of her three boys and needed to fulfill my role as such. I firmly believe I need to do the right thing here and let her know she is most certainly invited, as is her siblings in question.

Ironic twists of fate. Or signs from the Lord above that such arguments amongst family are insignificant in comparison to the fact that we are not here for a long time, nor is anything in life guaranteed? Whatever the answer is. It is awfully gut wrenching to think it may have taken the death of a family member to bring a family closer together.

I need to get ready for work. Thanks for reading.

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